So, You Want to Retire Workshop Handouts
Budget from Kades Margolis
Countdown to Retirement - PSERS
Obtain Social Security Statement Online-Kades Margolis
Monthly Benefit Options - PSERS
Pension Amounts and Options
PSERS - MSS Quick Start Guide
The Russo Report: The Copper Penny
Central West Retired Website
PSEA Retirement Primer
Prepared by PSEA to assist members in answering often-asked questions
about the Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System.
Retirement: An Investment in Your Future
about the Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System
PSEA Pre-Retirement Membership Forms
NEA Retired Brochure
NEA Retired Flyer
Why Join PSEA Retired
So, You Want to Retire PowerPoint
If you have questions please contact:
Barb Lynch
Central Western Region Retired President